Baby Girl

Nothing cuter in the UNIVERSE than..



I know its a bit of a cop out. I come here like once a week and just post a picture of Zoe.. or a video of Lucas' skateboarding.

What? I didn't post a video of Lucas totally ripping? MY BAD!

It's not that I'm bored. It's not that I have nothing to write about. It's that I'm BUSY. SO AMAZINGLY BUSY. My teeter-totter has now shifted to the other side. Balance? Yea. Don't ask me. I went from being pretty much a stay at home mom with nothing to do, to a work at home mom - turning away business - and working like a mad woman. Seriously I have worked everyday for the last 2 weeks. But I'm excited.. really excited to be working again. But it is a challenge to find this balance. So bear with me at the moment.. and check out Lucas aka DJ Lance.