
Monday Confession: Opinions … everybody’s got one

Life has zipped by over the past few weeks. Contracts ending, new ones beginning, schedule changes, new routines and a 4-day getaway has thrown things for a loop. I swear it was just October 3rd and now here I am putting last minute touches on Halloween and Zoë’s birthday.

Over the past few weeks I’ve actually experienced, ate and wore things that in my head deserve a review.  And I’ve wanted to get it down, but alas, I haven’t. So this week, I’m going to do a review week. Each post will be about something that I’ve experienced over the past month – free things and things that were all me, I’m going to share the highlights, and disappointments of my month.

My Monday Confession is actually more of a promise: I’m going to tell it like I see it this week.  

On a very ironic side-note: I'm also featured over on Rock On Mommies this week talking about working with PR agencies and, specifically, reviews. This was not planned, but this week I do hope to set a good example and include some helpful reviews. If you want information on my review policies, please see my disclosure page for more details.