
Various levels of suck

Not Good:

Pregnancy insomnia brought on by hip pain, a never-ending cold, looming labor and delivery and lack of Ambien.


Pregnancy insomnia and having the theme song for "My friends Tigger and Pooh" running through your head.


Pregnancy insomnia mixed with the theme song for "My friend's Tigger and Pooh" running through your head IN SPANISH to celebrate the Disney Channel's Hispanic Heritage Month when you don't even speak Spanish.


Hooked on a Feeling

Conversation with Jason, today, 6:15 PM.
Jason in car, on his way home:

Me: "Hey honey, I need you to stop and get me some Lays or Ruffles plain potato chips."

Jason: "Why? I thought we were having the TJ's garlic fries for dinner?"

Me: "We are. But I want potato chips. Lays or Ruffles."

J: "We have pita chips in the cupboard."

Me: "Here's how its going to work. If you come home without the Lays or Ruffles PLAIN potato chips, I will get in the car and drive to the store and buy myself a bag."

J: "I'm stopping..."

5 Minutes later, Jason is at Cardiff Seaside Market, a little gourmet grocer

J: "Hey, they have those yummy Kettle chips in the salt and black pepper that you like."

Me: "Do they have LAYS OR RUFFLES?!"

J: "Yea, but ohh, they have buffalo and blue cheese flavored also.."

Me: "Okay, get those AND a bag of PLAIN OLD FASHION LAYS OR RUFFLES. I want plain potato chips and I want to dip them in ranch dressing and I want to do this now."

J: "Plain Lays it is.."

Me: "Oh, and don't forget dessert.."

Pregnancy is lovely.

It's own seperate entity

Quel Bore. Am I just totally boring you these days with all my talk of pregnancy? I'm kinda boring myself, but really, with a 15 lb ball attached to my midsection, there is hardly anything else to think about. It's the first thing that I think of when I wake up (well, how to get up in the least painful manner), its the last thing I think about as I fall asleep and Princess Buttercup is swishing and rolling away in there. I'm reminded of it every time I (try) to stand up, sit down, eat something, digest something, talk on the phone, check my email, get in the car, get out of the car and so on and so on.1404504841_27a6f4a08a_m.jpg I've had some brief escapes during business meetings over the past few weeks, but was quickly reminded of my condition when I realized I had to pee for the 3rd time since the meeting started and it was getting to that embarrassing point.

But look at this thing - HOW could I not think about it every second of every day?!

The neat part about doing the belly shot every two weeks is really seeing the difference. At 16 weeks I felt pretty big. At 26 weeks in San Fran I felt huge... but that was nothing compared to this week... and, sigh, what is still yet to come. But this week just really freaked me out. I think this was the biggest "growth spurt" I've had to date. Just look:


1404504841_27a6f4a08a_m.jpg1326593216_41c7fefcec_m.jpg2 WEEKS PEOPLE!




and I've been wondering why my lower back has been throbbing...

Friday we had a "dry run" of what the hell to do with Lucas when we go to the hospital. After a momentary freak-out on my part, which resulted my Dr. sending me over to Labor and Delivery, we had to activate the chain of command - pretty much the calls with me trying not start bawling finding someplace where Lucas could hang out for a few hours while Jason and I sat in a curtained room with monitors strapped to my belly. But hey, what is a pregnancy without a pre-term trip to L&D? I mean, now I don't have to fill out all that paperwork in advance.

Everything was indeed okay, and I will spare you the details and just leave it as PREGNANCY is a BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL THING.
