The Kid


As follow-up to my previous post about our health care debacle, the main question we keep getting from people is "what are you going to do if Lucas gets sick or hurt?" This is a question that if my good friend Chardonnay wasn't in my life, I may not be able to sleep over. What would we do?

I guess the obvious answer is that "We would pay for the little things and take pity on Children's hospital (a county hospital) for anything major.. and pray that we can get this situation resolved before we have to answer this question."

Unfortunately, it was tested today...for nothing more than infected bug bites.

Zoe had her 9 month well baby today (28 inches! 15 lbs! HUGE head!), while we were there, I asked our pediatrician to take a quick look at these bites on the back of Lucas' leg. The look on his face said it all. They were bad and needed to be treated with antibiotics.. oh, and we need to pay for a "visit" because in order to send in the Rx, he needs to document that Lucas was seen.. and thus, it was an appointment. We cringed. But hey, this is our child's health. The grand total was $76 - acceptable. Possibly better than one would expect considering I have no clue how much it is to see a doctor without a co-payment. Then it dawned on me - we have to pay for the antibiotic also... but how much could a generic prescription be??

Any takers? How much? What do you think??

I get to the counter to pick up the 'script. The woman behind the counter looks at me and says "Yea, we don't have current insurance information for Lucas on file.." I explain it's because he doesn't have any because of an illness he had 4 years ago and ear infections and we can't get him covered and yes, I'm paying out of pocket in full. She gave me a sad look and said in a tone that said she hates to be the one to break the news to me.. "It's $70.."


Bug bites. Infected, over scratched bug bites cost us $146 tonight. $156 if you count the bottle of Smoking Loon that I needed to get at the grocery store after shelling out the $70 for GENERIC KEFLEX. We had "the plan" in place for broken bones, an ear infection, strep throat - but BUG BITES?

I wrote a letter to Obama today. Begging for help and guidance and promises to really make a change.

What about us?

I don't get very political over here in my neck of the blogospherewoods, I usually save the ranting for Jason while I touch on shoes and lactation. But this is killing us, and since this is an election year, and a time when SOMEONE may be able to do the right thing and help, I need to get this out there.

The Insurance Industry SUCKS.

I know, duh, right? But really. The republicans are fond of saying that there are things out there for everyone, if you just seek it out. Really? So, help me then.

Jason and I make decent money. For the good of our careers and the good of our family, we are both independent contractors. It allows me to be home with my kids when they need me and make a shit-load more money than I did in-house. The big thing that's missing tho, insurance. Why? Because we can't get Lucas covered.

We found out today that he was denied yet again. And before you make a blanket decision and say "well, your kid could have congenital heart defects as a result of his Kawasaki Disease.." let me note, that the second half of the "reasoning" behind this latest insurance company's explanation was because he had ear infections and had to have TUBES PUT IN HIS EARS. Yea, apparently a almost routine procedure that something like 65% of kids under 5 get is reason enough for your child to never qualify for health insurance again. How close to home does that hit you?

Oh, and to add insult to injury, the insurance company still cashed the $600 check we were forced to write to them before they would even consider us.

We make too much money to qualify for the CA State subsidized insurance, but not enough to cover the astronomical cost of the COBRA plan we used to be on that jumped up to about $1,300 right before we ended it. We can't get HIPPA coverage, since we elected to end the COBRA plan. We are firmly stuck in working upper middle class HELL and I'm considering the early morning Starbucks shift JUST to get benefits for Lucas.

I just want to know who's going to help us? You know - the ones down here that paid an additional $9k in taxes last year? The ones who are not "walking away" from inflated mortgages and that are working our asses off to the best parents and earn a living that allows us not to have go on food stamps.

So Mr. Obama or Mr. McCain - you want my vote? What are you going to do for ME and MY family??

Poor First Born

2568123218_7ce7c0e27b_m.jpgPeople always say that the second child often gets neglected. That the first has baby books and mementos, while number 2 has one picture in the back of the older kid's baby book. Yea, not this family. In my concerted effort to not have Zoe's babyhood be a typical "2nd child" one, I seem to have forgot something.. the older kid.

I realize that my Flickr pages are all Zoe. In fact, I'm trying to find a recent pic of Lucas to even put on this post. How mean is that? What a horrible mother am I? My excuse du jour is that SHE holds still while he runs away..

And while I do go on and on about Miss Z, I will say Lucas is quite the comedian these days. I won't steal content from my hubbie - so I will just redirect you to Lucas' latest good one.

Why am I continually so surprised by his personality?